Hands on Everything Management

Why do certain business owners still choose the micro-management, hands-on everything management. A method for controlling virtually every facet of their business. Especially, with so many examples of successful systematized businesses in the world, they could...

The Pain of Being Average in Business

The Pain of Being Average
The pain of being average is what plagues most small business owners, the world over. But “being average” is a preventable condition. Recently I heard a gospel minister say, “When we don’t pursue our best, and we settle for average, there is a consequence.” In fact,...

The Wimpy Boss Revisited

The Wimpy Boss
Lately it seems the Wimpy Boss syndrome keeps rearing its ugly head when staff is dialoging with potential clients concerning, How-to implement, standard operating procedures, correctly. Therefore, we felt the need to revisit an older blog called Wimpy Bosses, Cause...

When Systems Walk Out the Door

When Systems Walk Out The Door
A Question for business owners. What do you do when systems walk out the door? Has a key employee, suddenly, and without warning, QUIT, or simply, walked out your door?Leaving that sick feeling in your stomach? Because, they had important knowledge, of key business...

No. 1 Reason for Business Owner Burnout

No. 1 Reason for Business Owner Burnout
Unfortunately business owner burnout begins, DAY 1 of ownership. In fact, the “burnout syndrome” begins the moment an owner (We’ll call Bob) receives their first question from an employee; like, “Hey. Mr. Bob, can I have off next week, my brother-in-law called today,...