Business Failure a Vanishing Vision

Vanishing Vision is a common frustration among small business owners. It occurs when the excitement of owning their business fades, replaced with a sense of hopelessness, aka business failure.

To be clear, it’s not a business failure, in so far as making money, but the vanishing vision of financial independence and hoped-for FREEDOM from day-to-day operations.

Lost, is the dream of sitting on a beautiful beach sipping iced tea, knowing that, back home their business is running like a Swiss watch.

Sadly, health issues caused by stress are all too common among those bearing the weight of business ownership. Moreover, problems like family feuds and un-civil war among employees are considered “normal.”

As a result, many small business entrepreneurs consider their big dream a business failure; although admitting, the money they make is okay.

Business Failure from Chaos Is Totally Preventable

In fact, business failure due to on-going chaos should never happen, because help is all around.

There’s gold in “them thar hills!”  However, a business owner must be willing to dig it out. In other words, there’s a price of TIME, they must pay; but the ROI (return on investment) is priceless.

The good news is, most of the hard work performed by earlier miners is available at little to no cost.

Business icons like Michael Gerber, Edward Deming and others, are the “business system miners” who led the way for improved quality and service we now enjoy from many great companies.

As a matter of fact, the work of these individuals opened my eyes to what a great business should look like. Of course, that was after implementing our own time-tested business systems, and the continual improvement of those systems. That’s when the vision became most clear!

Having Vision for Your Business is Crucial

To be sure, organizing a business, using tools of proven, integrated business SYSTEMS, helps ensure a business’ survival. But, having a VISION for your business is a crucial step in turning your dreams to reality.

In other words, just like mapping out any business process, step-by-step, YOUR vision for YOUR business should be written down for YOUR team to follow.

American automobile executive, Lee Iacocca has said, “The discipline of writing something down is the first step toward making it happen.” 

And American scientist and inventor, George Washington Carver—mindful of an old proverb—wrote, “Where there is no VISION, there is no hope!”

Think about it!

Did I mention? Great systems work!