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Why Company Bulletin-Message Boards Don’t Work

Message BoardsWe’ve all seen those Company Bulletin-Message Boards, cluttered with so much information it looks like a collage of overlapping scrap paper.  Generally, there are too many documents fighting for space. Not to mention, outdated messages, either covered up or falling on the floor!

Be aware, OSHA can and does fine companies for not having certain Government notifications posted for employees to access.

Company Bulletin-Message Boards are for passing valuable information from upper-management to the rest of a company’s staff.

However, the main reason static bulletin boards don’t work well is, after a period of time, the boards simply become part of the decor, the landscape. Therefore, our human brain simply ignores it. Sadly, those STATIC Company Bulletin/Message Boards turn into dust magnets.

Maybe you’ve noticed some people posting unauthorized messages on your bulletin board?

The Fix for Unappreciated Company Bulletin-Message Boards

  1. When using the old STATIC Company Message Board, it should be on someone’s Daily Routine Checklist to keep it updated and organized. In fact, before we had the Digital Company Bulletin/Message Board we did just that.
  2. GO DIGITAL! Have rotating graphics, with various important messages and documents. Display birthdays, company-wide events, employee recognition messages, welcome to visitors, waste charts and other notifications, etc.

When the screen’s scenery is constantly changing, people will pay attention!

Additionally, with DIGITAL Company Bulletin-Message Boards, management can make changes right from their office, or even sitting in their local Starbucks.

The cost of large screen, high definition televisions has dropped significantly over the past few years and are, therefore, very affordable.

Moreover, digital Message Boards can be located in every department. These can display different messages for different areas of the company. In fact, we have used these Digital Messages Boards for SCOREBOARDS so employees can see their waste scores at a glance. This turns the mundane into an interesting game.

Digital Message Boards are a no-brainer for companies staying on the cutting edge!

Did I mention? Great Systems Work!

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