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Unexpected Business Costs Due to Chaos

unexpected business costsJust as Halloween promises the unexpected this time of year, owners and managers can be spooked by unexpected business costs, when operating without systems!  

Ah Halloween! I remember my six brothers and me as boys, at that time of year; chomping at the bit until it got dark. We couldn’t wait to storm the neighborhood with the other kids, in our spookiest homemade costumes.

Dad was a pastor, so the season was a bit tamer for us, than for some of our school friends. Typically, they started days earlier, plotting tricks and how to scare the hair off unsuspecting others.

For the Beyer boys, it wasn’t about ghosts, goblins, pranks and blood-curdling tales. Mainly, it was about who could get the most candy; something we didn’t get too often! One way or another, the UNEXPECTED had all our young hearts pounding with anticipation leading up to the Day!

I must say, the years have since curbed my excitement and wonder about the “unexpected.” I’m happy to do without certain surprises in my life now; especially, in my business life. You know, like a scary visit to my company by some regulatory agency. Then there’s the frightening, sudden breakdown in major equipment, or some other monstrous expense, due to a recurring error.

Unexpected Business Costs are to be Expected

One thing I’ve learned about the “unexpected”—you can EXPECT it! You can, however, save yourself a lot of money and headaches if you know how to prepare.

We might all agree that chaos in business operations causes waste. Still, some believe “a certain amount of WASTE is to be expected” and “a certain amount of CHAOS is normal.” Truth is, a company that is bleeding its reserves each month over high waste ratios is bound to collapse when the unexpected happens. Expect it!

Lean Management proponents have listed several types of waste that it’s extremely important we eliminate, as much as possible.  You can review them (LATER PLEASE, after you finish reading this article) by clicking on Nine Types of Waste in Small Business.

Other Waste Types | Their Unexpected Business Costs

The purpose of THIS article is to focus on OTHER TYPES OF WASTE and their UNEXPECTED COSTS.

I guess every one of us has worked for a company that operates in a chaotic environment. Daily, they deal with messy offices and production areas; confusion over who does what, when; and who’s to blame for the latest mistake.  Maybe your very first job in such a place convinced you that DISORDER was just “normal.” But, if you’re someone who appreciates order, it’s likely THAT work experience had a negative impact on you and your work habits going forward.

Business owners and managers might be surprised to learn how many of their employees have an immaculate home. I respectfully submit that the owner (The Head Steward) of a chaotic business is subjecting those kinds of employees to long days, working in a disorganized and stressful mess!

Many times, disorganized/wasteful companies will lose good employees, even ones who are well-paid, all due to the chaos.  An employee who wants order in his or her life finds it hard to work in an environment like that.  I believe such employees would discourage other potential applicants from working at this type of company, where “owners and managers don’t seem to GET IT!”

Cost of Company Chaos is Almost Immeasurable

Below, I have listed some unexpected business costs we experienced in our company. Generally, this was before I learned the power of systems, implementing them; and watching them transform our operation.

Consider the high cost of the following:

Speaking of children—calculate the cost of missing many of your children’s events, because you, the owner/manager, are buried in chaos. Trying to meet deadlines, you are just too tired!  Scary business!

The Good News is—there’s a Fix for that!

You can continue to be haunted by fear of the unexpected, or you can avoid those inevitable high costs by preparing your company for any eventuality, using the POWER of systems.

It starts at the top, with a decision and a commitment to bring your business to order—come Halloween or high water!

I can testify—Great Systems Work!


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