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Aspirins or Vitamins for Business Disorder?

asprin or vitaminBusiness disorder is a real pain!  So, does it require aspirins or vitamins?

If it was just a headache, generally you could down a couple of ASPIRIN and shortly the pain would subside. Soon, even the memory of the pain would be gone and things would seem to get back to normal.

On the other hand, taking VITAMINS in order to feel better could take much longer, before you see any improvement. Even with the “big gun” type Vitamins!  But, in a month or so, there would be noticeable, even powerful improvements!

Okay, so what does a business owner or manager do when the pain of business disorder strikes, due to errors and other system-busting events?  The USUAL way to handle that pain (and it is a PAINFUL) is to find a quick fix. Like taking the aspirin, the pain only SEEMS to subside, and soon even the memory of the error is lost, as if it never even happened, but…

Business disorder happens again and AGAIN!

However, there are those “health freaks” among us who want to AVOID PAIN in the first place.  This group looks for PREVENTATIVE SOLUTIONS, NOT just quick fixes. These serious owner/managers want to keep FIT and running at maximum efficiently ongoing. So, they put their business on a daily dose of Vitamin ‘S’—you guessed it, SYSTEMS!

If you’re one of those “health freaks,” you research root causes of errors, bottlenecks, miscommunications and other pain-causing events in your business. You develop and improve systems that work more like vitamins. They may take a while to work fully, but in a shorter time than you can imagine, your business becomes healthy.  It’s able to sustain the attacks of a sick economy and other business ‘bugs’ that are looking for an immune-deficient business to take down.

The remedy?

Too many “aspirins” are known to drain the lifeblood right out of a business!

So, what’s it going to take to stop YOUR business disorder, the Aspirin or the Vitamin?

The remedy could be just a click away:

Did I mention? Great Systems work!

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